viastore Routenzug für Produktionsversorgung bei Gemü

Networked material flows with viastore

You can achieve lasting, smart and efficient intralogistics by networking your material flows and automating work processes where it makes sense. And this is exactly where viastore comes into play: We identify the weak points in your logistics processes from incoming goods to production and dispatch and help you to eliminate them.

With our intralogistics expertise, system competence and software know-how, we help you to reduce throughput times, manufacture faster, shorten delivery times and increase your quality.

Minimize your throughput and delivery times!

Conveying technology in viastore's small parts warehouse at Löffelhardt, Retail

Increase the throughput speed of your products significantly, even with high individual production, by having the required material available at the right time in the right quantity at the right place in the production process.

How? By networking logistics and production, by thinking holistically about just-in-time, Kanban, Milkrun, driverless transport systems and using them consistently. You minimize your warehouse and work in progress stocks, while saving valuable floor space. This reduces your costs and increases the efficiency of your entire operation.

Rely on integrated processes!

Our Warehouse Management System (WMS) viadat, controls and manages the entire material flow in warehouse and production. It is flexible, intuitive and easy to configure. With numerous add-ons and open standard interfaces, viadat can be connected to your ERP and MES.

This way you get consistently integrated workflows. The result: More flexibility and transparency while reducing inventories and errors.

Production at viastore customer Vacom, Manufacturing Industry

Reduce your production times!

By connecting viadat to a Manufacturing Execution System (MES) you can integrate logistics and production processes. You always know where materials are located, how busy your machines are and how far the processing of the product has progressed. This greatly reduces your workload and production times.

With viadat, confusing storage is also a thing of the past as it detects slow, medium and fast moving items and sorts them accordingly in your warehouse.

Eliminate your quality problems!

viastore warehouse modernization at metabo, Manufacturing Industry

If disruptions in your warehouse increase or production and delivery are interrupted, it is time to act. Because every minute that your warehouse stands still costs! And every order that does not reach the customer on time leads to dissatisfaction.

With reorganization, modernization and optimization, we help you eliminate your quality problems and keep your intralogistics system always up to date.

From theory to practice: Networked processes at VACOM

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